Thursday, October 8, 2009

September 25th

Conan O’Brien Signs Off

Out of the deafening applause, Conan O’Brien, host of the popular Late Night’s emerged onto the stage to sat his final goodbye as he is moving on to fill the big shoes, and even larger chin of Jay Leno on the Tonight Show.
Leno is planning on officially handing the show down to large haired, imaginary string dancing O’Brien in June of 2009. As the Tonight show and Late night with Conan O’Brien have both been aired on NBC for a while now, O’Brien being on the air since 1993, NBC has full confidence in their new host.
The show was one for the ages, numerous of O’Brien’s close friends stopped into the show to wish him luck. Among the favorite guests were O’Brien’s long time friend and old colleague, Andy Richter and Will Ferrell who was splitting sides with his famous George W. Bush character. To cap the show off, The White stripes performed a unique version of “We Are Going to Be Friends”, followed by O’Brien announcing that despite rumors of his act being edited for the earlier show time it will still be as immature as it ever was.

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