Monday, October 19, 2009

Feature article analysis

As I sat down and read the feature article from Rolling Stone "Wall Street's Naked Swindle" I immediately noticed how little objectivity the author was using in comparison to a regular news story. He seems to have very strong opinions towards what has recently occurred in our economy, he even uses swear words to get his points across.
The author, Matt Taibbi, is also has more of a theoretical stance in his story where as a news story would be straight to the point and fact oriented. Even though Taibbi is clearly choosing sides one would think of him as less credible, yet, his use of facts and expertise on the matter make him come across as a trust worthy individual. I made sure I read the piece with the awareness that the author is about to state his opinions and strongly at that, I found it very easy to read as well as education and enjoyable.
Most average news articles are done in the inverse pyramid style, where the important facts come first with the least important statements towards the bottom, the point is to get the facts across as efficiently as possible which is a very objective thing to do. The more subjective(or interpretive) feature article is given the freedom to dive into deeper details of the topic since who ever is reading the article clearly must have an interest in your topic.

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