Friday, October 16, 2009

Feature Idea

The idea that I have been contemplating for my feature story is about a good friend of mine named Chris Farrar. I did not choose him because he is in easy access to me or because I don't want to branch out, but because he is a part of something that I find incredibly interesting. Recently there was an article posted in the Maine Campus about the research a professor is conducting on new ways of finding tumors by using gold. Only five students out of the whole engineering program were chosen to assist the professor with his research and Chris is one of them.

My goal in interviewing him is to get more information about how the research is being conducted, what Chris' specific job is, and what his class mates do. I also think it would be beneficial for the article if he could get me in touch with those students and possibly the professor so I can conduct an interview to get multiple perspectives on the progress they are making.

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