Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 8, 2009 Atircle Accuracy Check

As a reader, this article seemed to be very eye catching to me at first glance. The head line was big, bold, and bright blue and really had me wondering "maybe someone out there really does know the secret to relationships...". As I began reading I quickly noticed that this was more of an opinion piece rather than an accredited article or scholarly journal, however, I believe that the author knew this article was not going to win him any awards for mastering science.
Even though this author chose not to site any sources but himself, I still find this article to be a well written opinion piece that contains a lot of statements and beliefs that I would tend to agree with. The way that the author begins his piece makes it clear that his intentions are to share some of his own advice, not advice of the experts. The way he comes right out and says it makes him seem a little more credible as an author, which would make me less likely to judge him harshly on the credibility of this piece.

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