Monday, September 28, 2009

Chris Hedges 9-21

As I read this piece I was quick to realize that the author of the article, Chris Hedges, is a very opinionated individual who is not afraid to use a strong opinion as his lead line. He has a way of sounding passionate and opinionated but at the same time maintain his credibility and I really enjoyed this piece. He touched on a lot of issues that I have heard about in some of my previous classes, such as the decline of the publishing industry since everything seems to be geared towards switching to the internet. Corruption in the media is another issue that I am particularly concerned with, I, like Hedges, believe that you must question everything that you read, hear, or see. Since all of our news is controlled by seven conglomerates I believe a lot of what we hear is propaganda, people these days tend to care more about the size of their bank account than the truth.
Hedges describes our society by using the phrases "collective self-delusion"and "manufactured reality" and I could not agree more. Since these conglomerates have so much control over what we see and hear, they can decide what to share with the public, as well as what information they would like to up hold from us. This brings me back to the example of GE, since they are a huge supplier of weapons, why would they want to show a lot of coverage on the war? All of these conglomerates are made up of numerous, extremely wealthy, corporations who are looking to become even more wealthy, meaning they have the power to sway many people's opinions on things through the media coverage that it recieves.

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