Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Commercial Analysis 11/18/09

The advertisement I chose to analyze for today is not your typical advertisement. Instead of choosing a longer commercial I chose a subliminal message that was placed into the end of a Top Chef show. All the ad consists of is the McDonald's logo which is visible for only one frame, so it literally is on the screen long enough for it to flash red and make the viewer wonder "what was that?". I think that this advertising technique is a little scary because most viewers do not even realize that they are getting victimized by McDonald's. It also scares me because shows are starting to sell their own time to advertisers who already have the whole entire commercial break to try to mold our brains. With all scariness aside I do think that this was a brilliant placement of the commercial; I know when I watch food shows I tend to get hungry. A lot of people were craving food at the end of Top Chef, saw the logo flash, wonder "...was the the McDonald's logo? Speaking of McDonald's I could use a Whopper right now."

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